Product Options Popup

I would like to try to replicate the add-to-cart experience of, in that for any product that requires additional information (to ensure vehicle compatibility for example), a popup appears with illustrations that explain the question being asked. For some products, there are multiple questions asked that are broken up into several slides in the …

Attempting to install Magento via Docker on Windows 10

I am very new to docker as well as WSL2 so it is very possible I am overlooking something rather obvious. I am trying to install Magento on my Windows 10 machine using I have “successfully” installed it on Ubuntu 22.04 using WSL2. However, my instance of docker in WSL2 seems to be completely …

The Fedex built in shipping is terrible, does anyone know a good 3rd party plugin?

Magento 2 fedex built in shipping is terrible – does not have newest shipping methods, doesnt forward product size only weight, groups all order items together, so only freight options are available if order is more than ~35 kg. It is unusable. So maybe you are using some 3rd party plugin you know works well? …

How long would you expect setup:di:compile to take?

I appreciate it’s not something that needs to be run all the time, but when switching between Laravel and Mage for example it does blow my mind how long certain dev tasks can take. – Macbook pro 16gb quad core – 14gb assigned to Docker – Running – Commerce Edition 2.4.2 bin/magento setup:di:compile will …

Error SoapFault: Invalid Credentials

Anyone experience this issue before? This just started happening. No changes to the backend. When trying to invoice an order this error appears: SoapFault: Invalid Credentials when checking out and trying to purchase this error appears: Internal Error. Details are available in Magento log file. Report ID: webapi-64777d94e2ad6 I did a search and this is …